ccna考试_是否值得参加200-125 CCNA考试?
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Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) 200-125 exam is designed to test candidate’s understanding and , LAN and WAN technologies, IPv4 and IPv6 technologies, services, security and management of infrastructure. This exam is taken by those who wish to be certified in CCNA routing and switching. Cisco certifications include entry, associate, professional and expert levels. CCNA routing and switching is an associate level exam that is preceded by CCENT, an entry level certification.

思科认证网络工程师(CCNA)200-125考试旨在测试候选人对 ,LAN和WAN技术,IPv4和IPv6技术,服务,基础架构的安全性和管理的理解和 。 该考试由希望获得CCNA路由和交换认证的人员参加。 思科认证包括入门,准,专业和专家级别。 CCNA路由和交换是助理级别的考试,其后是入门级证书CCENT。

Is 200-125 CCNA Exam Worth Taking

CCNA 200-125考试的目标是什么? (What are the objectives of the CCNA 200-125 exam?)

The exam is meant to test a candidate’s skills in the following areas:


  • Network Fundamentals 15%

  • Routing Technologies 21%

  • WAN Technologies 10%

  • Infrastructure Services 10%

  • Infrastructure Security 11%

  • Infrastructure Management 10%


Before registering for this exam, you are required to have some basic knowledge in networking mainly received from the CCENT level certification. CCNA 200-125 exam certification is a requirement for the CCNP Routing and Switching certification.

注册此考试之前,您需要具有一些网络方面的基本知识,这些知识主要来自CCENT级别的认证。 CCNA 200-125考试认证是CCNP路由和交换认证的要求。

成为思科认证的原因是什么? (What are the reasons to become Cisco certified?)

Attaining a Cisco certification is a gateway to a great career in networking. There are other reasons why you should pursue a Cisco certification. Continue reading so that you can find out more.

获得思科认证是网络事业发展的门户。 还有其他原因使您应该追求Cisco认证。 继续阅读,以便您了解更多信息。

  • Certification by an industry leader: Cisco is known to be the first one to introduce careers in routing and switching. Pursuing a certification from Cisco would give you an edge above other professionals certified by other professional bodies. Cisco has experience in providing certifications that stand out. There is some kind of prestige associated with having been certified by an industry leader and pioneer.

    获得行业领导者的认证:众所周知,思科是第一个介绍路由和交换职业的人。 获得思科的认证会使您比其他专业机构认证的其他专家更具优势。 思科在提供出色的认证方面经验丰富。 获得行业领导者和开拓者的认证与某种声望相关。

  • A gateway to career advancement: Cisco offers certifications starting from an entry level all the way to the expert level. One level of certification is a stepping stone to the advanced certifications. You get a chance to advance through the ranks up to the expert level. The more you advance in your certifications, the more you find more chances to advance in your career.

    通往职业发展的门户:思科提供从入门级一直到专家级的认证。 认证的一个级别是高级认证的垫脚石。 您将有机会晋升到专家级别。 您获得认证的程度越高,您就越有机会获得职业发展的更多机会。

  • Attractive salaries: Cisco certified professionals are paid more salaries compared to their counterparts. There is a shortage of qualified networking professionals worldwide and this increases the earning potential for Cisco certified individuals because they are the most sought after for their unique qualifications. Obtaining a Cisco certification would definitely give you that advantage.

    诱人的薪水:与同类专家相比,Cisco认证专业人员的薪水更高。 全球缺乏合格的网络专业人员,这增加了Cisco认证人员的收入潜力,因为他们的独特资格是最受追捧的人。 获得思科认证肯定会为您带来这一优势。

Cisco 200-125 certification is so popular because of the unique approach that Cisco uses in testing their professionals. The exams are detailed and cover all areas pertaining to routing and switching. Cisco 200-125 exam include hands-on practical lab exams that prepare an individual to work in a real world environment. Employers and professionals alike prefer this qualification because they understand what it means to their enterprises and professions. Thus this certification is so popular today.

思科200-125认证之所以如此受欢迎,是因为思科在测试其专业人员时采用了独特的方法。 考试内容详尽,涵盖了与路由和交换有关的所有领域。 思科200-125考试包括动手实践实验室考试,可帮助个人做好在实际环境中工作的准备。 雇主和专业人员都喜欢这种资格,因为他们了解这对他们的企业和专业意味着什么。 因此,该认证在今天如此流行。

Passing Cisco 200-125 exam requires the right input. You have to prepare well by getting study materials and practice exams to help you pass. Understanding of the exam objectives is paramount. You can only prepare if you know the concepts and expected exam topics.

通过Cisco 200-125考试需要正确的输入。 您必须准备好学习材料和练习考试以做好准备,以帮助您通过考试。 了解考试目标至关重要。 仅在知道概念和预期考试主题的情况下才能准备。

The exam comprises 60-70 questions that you must answer within the allocated 90 minutes. You are required to first register with Pearson VUE so that you can sit for your exam.

考试包含60-70个问题,您必须在分配的90分钟内回答。 您必须先向Pearson VUE注册,然后才能参加考试。

您如何通过Cisco 200-125考试? (How do you pass your Cisco 200-125 exam?)

Prepare, prepare and prepare


I cannot over-emphasize on the importance of proper preparation. There are no two ways to passing any exam except through proper preparation. Get the relevant study materials. There are study guides and practice tests that you can use for your revision. Also since this is a practical based certification, it is important that you set up your own lab or find a self study guide to help you with the practical bit. Do not to stick to only one type of study material. Try to get a variety and compare.

我不能过分强调适当准备的重要性。 除了经过适当的准备外,没有任何两种方法可以通过任何考试。 获取相关的学习资料。 有一些学习指南和实践测试可用于您的修订。 同样,由于这是基于实践的认证,因此重要的是,您必须建立自己的实验室或找到一份自学指南,以帮助您实用。 不要只坚持一种学习材料。 尝试获得变化并进行比较。

Seek for training


Look for a certified trainer who can coach you on what the exam objectives and certification is all about. Go through Cisco website to help you locate a certified trainer near you. You can also use online based training. All this will help you understand the course and the exam objectives better.

寻找一名合格的培训师来指导您考试目标和认证的全部内容。 请访问思科网站,以帮助您找到您附近的认证培训师。 您也可以使用在线培训。 所有这些都将帮助您更好地理解课程和考试目标。

Scheduled study


Plan your time well so that you will find time for study. Allocate enough time for study. Once you plan, make sure you follow the plan all through. Sticking to your plan is what will make the difference. Know what works for you.

计划好时间,以便您有时间学习。 分配足够的学习时间。 一旦计划,请确保完全遵循计划。 坚持您的计划将有所作为。 知道什么对您有用。

 Use practice tests


Test your readiness for the exam using resources that are available online. There are various practice tests that you can use to help you know the areas that you still need to improve. Look for a variety of them and compare. Make sure that they are of quality and are from trusted providers.

使用在线资源测试您的考试准备情况。 您可以使用各种实践测试来帮助您了解仍需要改进的领域。 寻找各种各样的东西并进行比较。 确保它们的质量并来自受信任的提供商。

I sat for my Cisco 200-125 exam two years ago and passed it at my first attempt. It was such an exciting thing for me. But of course getting there was not a walk in the park. It took a lot of sacrificing from my part. I decided from the beginning of my study that exactly I wanted. With the guidance of my trainer, I studied using guide books and did a lot of practice using practice tests such as those found on ExamCollection.

两年前,我参加了Cisco 200-125考试,并且第一次通过考试。 对我来说,这是一件令人兴奋的事情。 但当然到达那里并没有在公园散步。 我付出了很多代价。 从研究开始,我就确定自己确实想要。 在培训师的指导下,我学习了使用指导书,并使用诸如ExamCollection上的练习测试进行了大量练习。



I also set up a lab, though it wasn’t easy, for my practicals. I eventually sat for my exam and passed it. I’m now a CCNA routing and switching certified professional and I have seen how much this certification can do. It was the best decision that I ever made. I’m now looking forward to moving to the next professional level.

就我的实际情况而言,尽管这并不容易,但我还建立了一个实验室。 我最终参加了考试,并通过了考试。 我现在是一名经过CCNA路由和交换认证的专业人员,我已经看到了该认证可以做什么。 这是我做过的最好的决定。 我现在期待着进入下一个专业级别。

思科200-125考试转储有用吗? (Are Cisco 200-125 exam dumps useful?)

Yes, they are. The exam dumps or practice tests are based on the actual exams. They are almost the same you’ll face with at the exam or similar to them. Anyway, they enhance your chances to pass the exam and to be confident at it. The one point you should be careful about is to find the updated material so that it remains current to the requirements of the actual exam. They are available online for download. Use the exam dumps together with your other study materials making your knowledge more fundamental.

对,他们是。 考试转储或练习测试基于实际考试。 它们几乎与您在考试中所面对的相同或相似。 无论如何,它们会增加您通过考试并对考试充满信心的机会。 您应该注意的一点是,找到更新的材料,以使其与实际考试的要求保持一致。 它们可以在线下载。 结合使用考试转储和其他学习材料,使您的知识更加基础。

哪些顶级网络资源可以帮助您为Cisco 200-125考试做准备? (What are some of the top web resources that can help you prepare for your Cisco 200-125 exam?)

Of course, the main resource for getting material for exam preparation is the official Cisco website. Find the section Learning resources or visit The Cisco Learning Network Store choose the required course and start preparing. You also can visit Ciscopress website to find 200-125 Official Cert Guide Library by Wendell Odom or use CCNA Routing and Switching .

当然,获得考试准备材料的主要资源是思科官方网站。 找到“学习资源”部分或访问“思科学习网络商店”,选择所需的课程并开始准备。 您还可以访问Ciscopress网站,以找到Wendell Odom撰写的200-125官方证书指南库,或使用CCNA路由和交换 。

CCNA 200-125 exam is a route to earning one of the most popular exam certification. Passing this exam opens the doors of opportunities and career growth, thanks to Cisco. Networking is undoubtedly one of the most crucial aspects of a computer system infrastructure of any enterprise or institution. It can be definitely said, that Cisco certification work and its exams are worth taking.

CCNA 200-125考试是获得最受欢迎考试认证之一的途径。 通过思科的考试,这为机会和职业发展打开了大门。 网络无疑是任何企业或机构的计算机系统基础结构中最关键的方面之一。 可以肯定地说,思科认证工作及其考试值得参加。




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